Explore Winter in Morris, MN

When it comes to winter in Minnesota, one of our best coping mechanisms is learning to live with it. In Morris, that means getting out and experiencing what this brisk, but beautiful season brings us—opportunities to hear, see and feel the stillness that comes before all the blooming beauty of spring. Here are just a few ways you can take it all in.
Ice Fishing
Well, we are in Minnesota so we’d be remiss to leave out this Midwest winter activity. If you haven’t experienced ice fishing yet, there are plenty of places in and around Morris to do it. Check out this list of lakes and learn all about what to expect before heading out, from how to dress to finding a fishing guide.
Snowshoeing & Cross Country Skiing
Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you can’t get out, slow down and take in the fresh air. Snowshoeing and cross country skiing are great ways to explore the area and get a glimpse at some of the wildlife. Don’t have gear? Head over to the Regional Fitness Center to rent everything you need.
There’s nothing quite like the rush of cruising through the open areas of Minnesota on a snowmobile. Grab your friends and hit the white stuff. Find trails here and be sure to follow the West Central Trailblazers on Facebook for the latest grooming updates.
Winter Bird Watching
Yes, it’s true. They didn’t all fly south for the winter. In fact, there are many bird species that call this area home throughout the winter, including the northern cardinal, several species of wood peckers and blue jays. You can find a full list here.
Ice Skating
We can’t forget about one of the oldest winter pastimes that’s also a great workout. Grab your ice skates and head over to the Lee Community center for some free skating two days every week through February!
Sundays: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Wednesdays: 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Times and dates are subject to change. Be sure to check the calendar before you head out.